Tracy Press: TUSD aims to educate more teachers
Written by: Reach University
1 min read
California's Tracy Unified School District (TUSD) has partnered with Reach University to offer classified employees a paid and zero student loan debt pathway to a bachelor's degree.

Through the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing grant funding, 40 initial teacher candidates will have access Reach's program for $0. Due to the low cost of Reach University's program, all other classified employees are eligible to enroll in the program for $75 a month.
With 70 eligible employees at Tuesday's info session, Zachary Boswell, TUSD's Director of Curriculum and Accountability, "expects there will be no problem awarding those 40 scholarships."
The California Commission on Teacher Credentialing's scholarships are available to any TUSD classified employee who has completed two years of college. For any other interested classified employee, Reach University's program is open to those with some or no college experience or credential.
The full story can be found here. To learn more about Reach's program and available opportunities, please contact Apply@Reach.Edu.