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Degree & Certificate Programs

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Our job-embedded Apprenticeship Degree programs prepare emerging talent and leaders to serve their local communities and change life trajectories without incurring student debt.

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Reach Teachers College helps school districts, charter networks, and education agencies develop a pipeline of classroom-ready teachers and effective leaders through an apprenticeship-based degree experience purpose-built for working adults.

Our Programs
Undergraduate programs

Our undergraduate degree programs are designed to help adults working in one of our partner schools cultivate the skills and confidence they need to become qualified, local teachers in their respective metro, urban, or rural communities.

Graduate programs

For California-based school employees working in a Reach University partner school system, Reach Teachers College, through its affiliation with Alternatives in Action, offers an Intern Teacher Credential program, a Master of Arts in Teacher degree program (MAT), a Teacher Induction Program (TIP), an equity-centered Preliminary Administrative Services Credential (PASC), Clear Administrative Services Credential (CASC) program, and two Master of Education degree programs in Teaching and Instructional Leadership respectively.

Intern Teacher Credential Program-min

B.A. in Liberal Studies

The B.A. in Liberal Studies is a rigorous, job-embedded undergraduate degree program for front line employees. The program includes interactive class sessions held after work hours and on the weekends, one-on-one advisors, on-site mentors, and comprehensive college services, including financial aid, libraries, and technology support, all to ensure candidate success.

  • Locations offered: Alabama, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Georgia, Louisiana, Tennessee, Texas
  • Degree earned: B.A. in Liberal Studies
  • Credential earned: None
  • Course highlights: Math, computer science, science of reading
  • Program duration: 2–4 years (depending on transfer credits)
  • Accepts transfer credit: Yes. 100% credit transfer from select programs.
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Application deadlines

See Academic Calendar for admissions dates and deadlines. Candidates are encouraged to submit their applications before these deadlines as applications are reviewed on a rolling basis.

Application requirements

  • Proof of age
  • High school diploma, GED, or equivalent
  • 2 essays (250 words each)
  • College transcripts (if applicable)

Eligibility requirements

  • Employment at a partner school
  • At least 18 years old
  • A role allowing for 15 hours per week working with children in an academic classroom setting
  • High school diploma or GED

Program start date: See Academic Calendar for current dates

Program duration: Candidates with 0 to 29 transfer credits can complete the BA degree in 4 years. Candidates with 30 transfer credits can complete the BA degree in 3 years. Most candidates with an associate degree can complete the degree in two years. Upon graduation, the candidate may enter an Alternative Certification program of their choice.

Program format: Candidates are enrolled in 12-16 semester credit hours each fall/spring semester. About half of the learning each semester comes from paid work at their school. 

Enrollment is completed by the Registrar's Office. Courses are scheduled two nights per week live on Zoom. Candidates will select either a Monday/Wednesday or Tuesday/Thursday schedule for the semester. Most classes are held in the evenings, lasting from one and a half to two hours each night.
Candidates are required to average 15 hours per week in an academic classroom setting, for each semester enrolled in the degree program. Those hours will be reported by the candidate and approved by a school system supervisor.

Scholarship & financial aid: When candidates apply for financial aid, their out-of-pocket cost will be no more than $75/month; any remaining tuition is covered by various sources of financial aid.

Reach University Teachers College-min
Global Education

B.A. in Global Education

The B.A. in Global Education + Recommendation of Teacher Certification is a rigorous, job-embedded undergraduate degree and teacher-preparation program for school employees. The program includes interactive class sessions that combine theory with practice, classes held after work hours and on weekends, one-on-one advisors, mentors for student teaching, and comprehensive college services, including financial aid, library access, and technology support, all to ensure candidate success.

Enrollment in the B.A. in Global Education is available only to eligible candidates and is contingent upon meeting academic and state requirements, including passing the Praxis exams. Additional details will be provided during the admissions process.

  • Locations offered: Arkansas, Louisiana
  • Degree earned: B.A. in Global Education
  • Credential earned: Recommendation for Teacher Certification
  • Course highlights: Special education, math, computer science, science of reading
  • Program duration: 4 years
  • Accepts transfer credit: No
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Application deadlines

Candidates are encouraged to submit their applications before these deadlines as applications are reviewed on a rolling basis.

Application requirements

  • Proof of age
  • High school diploma, GED, or equivalent
  • 2 essays (250 words each)
  • College transcripts (if applicable)

Eligibility requirements

Program start date: See Academic Calendar for current dates

Program format: Candidates are enrolled in 12-16 semester credit hours each fall/spring semester. About half of the learning each semester comes from paid work at their school. 

Enrollment is completed by the Registrar's Office. Courses are scheduled two nights per week live on Zoom. Candidates select either a Monday/Wednesday or Tuesday/Thursday schedule for the semester. Most classes are held in the evenings, lasting from one and a half to two hours each night. 

Candidates are required to average 15 hours per week in an academic classroom setting each semester for the first three years enrolled in the degree program. The final year/two semesters is the Clinical Year and will require 25 hours per week in an academic classroom setting. Those hours will be reported by the candidate and approved by a school system supervisor.

Scholarship & financial aid: When candidates complete all required steps for financial aid, their out-of-pocket cost will be no more than $75/month; any remaining tuition is covered by various sources of financial aid.


Intern Teacher Credential and M.A.T. in Teaching Program

Offered through Reach’s affiliation with Alternatives in Action, the job-embedded Intern Credential Program helps candidates pursue a California Preliminary Teaching Credential. In addition, candidates can choose to enroll in an optional Master of Arts in Teaching degree.

In the program, candidates work as teachers while engaging in graduate-level coursework, one-on-one coaching, and onsite mentorship to become credentialed. Candidates are members of a reflective community where caring relationships with faculty, coaches, and a cohort of peers support them to engage in academic and job-embedded learning.

  • Locations offered: California
  • Degree earned: M.A. in Teaching
  • Credential earned: CA Intern Teaching Credential (upon successful completion of preservice), CA Preliminary Teaching Credential (upon successful completion of program and credentialing requirements)
  • Program duration: 2 years (23 months)
  • Accepts transfer credit: Yes, up to 9 credits
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Application deadlines

  • Application open: See academic calendar
  • Final deadline: See academic calendar
  • Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis. Due to the specific requirements of this program, candidates are strongly encouraged to apply early so they have time to complete all requirements.

Application requirements

  • Offer of employment for the upcoming academic year
  • Resume 
  • 1 Prior Field Experience Form 
  • 1 Recommendation Form (Academic OR Professional) 
  • Official transcript(s)
  • Certificate of Clearance 
  • Demonstration of minimal TB risk

Eligibility requirements

Program start date: See Academic Calendar for current dates

Please review the grad program requirements on our Knowledge Base before applying.

Program format: The preservice course is an 8-week course — 128 hours of asynchronous coursework, 6 hours of synchronous orientation, and seminar, conducted on Zoom.

Fall (16 weeks) and Spring (17 weeks) courses are offered through distance learning in a way that incorporates significant synchronous engagement between candidates, instructors, and coaches, and amongst the candidates in a cohort model. 

Academic coursework takes place online. Candidates engage in a weekly 3-hour synchronous seminar on Zoom and complete regular asynchronous coursework that is curated in an online learning management system. For field supervision, which includes classroom observation and one-on-one coaching, candidates record themselves teaching and then watch and reflect on their practice with their coach. Onsite mentorship takes place at the school site, and is thus likely to be in person.

During the fall and spring, candidates can expect to dedicate 10-15 hours per week to the Intern Program. Some of these hours are incorporated into the workday. These hours include attending synchronous seminar meetings, engaging in asynchronous learning, applying learning through job-embedded practice, engaging in coaching/observation cycles, and engaging in onsite mentorship. 

During the summer between Year 1 and Year 2, candidates have the option to enroll in two Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) electives. If they choose, candidates can also enroll in these courses at the completion of Year 2. 

The MAT electives are also offered through distance learning in a way that incorporates significant synchronous engagement between candidates and instructors and amongst the candidates in a cohort model. 

Academic coursework for MAT electives takes place online. Candidates engage in a weekly 3-hour synchronous seminar on Zoom and complete regular asynchronous coursework that is curated in an online learning management system. Each elective is designed to incorporate 90 hours of learning, for a total of 180 hours of learning over the course of 4 weeks. This includes 3-hour synchronous seminars and asynchronous coursework for each course.

Scholarship & financial aid: None available at this time. 


Teacher Induction

Intern Credential Early Completion Option (ECO) Program

Offered through Reach’s affiliation with Alternatives in Action, the Intern Program ECO is an accelerated 1-year pathway for experienced teachers. In order to qualify, candidates must meet all admissions and entry requirements and pass the NES-APK exam. The ECO is a high-stakes program: candidates must pass both cycles of CalTPA on their first submission. Failure to pass the CalTPA on the first try will result in the candidate needing to enroll in a full 2-year intern program.

  • Locations offered: California
  • Degree earned: None
  • Credential earned: CA Intern Teaching Credential (upon successful completion of preservice), CA., Preliminary Teaching Credential (upon successful completion of program and credentialing requirements)
  • Program duration: 1 year
  • Accepts transfer credit: Yes
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Application deadlines

  • Application open: See academic calendar
  • Final deadline: See academic calendar
  • Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis. Due to the specific requirements of this program, candidates are strongly encouraged to apply early so they have time to complete all requirements.

Application requirements

  • All Intern Program application requirements
  • Sign the ECO Expectations Agreement
  • Submit passing NES Assessment of Professional Knowledge (NES APK) scores by August 15 of the year the program begins

Eligibility requirements

  • All Intern Program eligibility requirements
  • The Early Completion Option is recommended for participating teachers who have prior experience (as a teacher of record in another state or private school, for example)
  • Passing scores on the NES-APK exam

Program Start Date: See Academic Calendar for current dates

Program format: 

The pre-service course is designed to take about 120 asynchronous hours and 7 synchronous hours. The asynchronous coursework is self-paced. The asynchronous coursework is completed between June 1st - July 31st. 

The optional CalTPA course meets virtually 1-2x/month for 3 hours. The course is offered through distance learning in a way that incorporates significant synchronous engagement between candidates, instructors, and coaches, and among the candidates in a cohort model.

Field supervision, which includes 12 classroom observations and one-on-one coaching, takes place remotely. Candidates record themselves teaching and then watch and reflect on their practice with their coach during a synchronous meeting over Zoom. Onsite mentorship takes place at the school site, and is thus likely to be in person. In the ECO program, candidates can expect to dedicate 10-15 hours per week to the CalTPA, coaching, and onsite mentorship.

Scholarship & financial aid: None available at this time. 


Intern Credential ECO

Teacher Induction Program

Offered through Reach’s affiliation with Alternatives in Action, the Teacher Induction Program provides job-embedded support and professional learning for teachers with a California Preliminary Teaching or Education Specialist Credential to obtain their Clear Teaching Credential. Once accepted, candidates who meet the criteria may have an option for early completion.

  • Locations offered: California
  • Degree earned: None
  • Credential earned: CA Clear Teaching or Education Specialist Credential
  • Program duration: 2 years
  • Accepts transfer credit: No
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Application deadlines

Application requirements

  • Teacher of record for at least one class in the area in which the credential holder is authorized to teach
  • Teaching makes up at least 60% of the candidate's employment

Eligibility requirements

  • Employed at a Reach partner school or organization 
  • Holds a Preliminary Teaching or Education Specialist Credential

Program start date: See Academic Calendar for current dates

Please review our Knowledge Base before applying

Scholarship & financial aid: None available at this time. 

Intern Credential ECO
Teacher Induction ECO

Teacher Induction Program Early Completion Option (ECO)

Teacher Induction provides job-embedded support and professional learning for teachers with a California Preliminary Teaching or Education Specialist Credential to obtain their Clear Teaching Credential.

  • Locations offered: California
  • Degree earned: None
  • Credential earned: CA Clear Teaching or Education Specialist Credential
  • Program duration: 1 year
  • Accepts transfer credit: No
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Application deadlines

  • Must be admitted into TIP by the deadline (8/16)
  • Must attend orientation in August and send a request to by 8/31 to receive access to the ECO application
  • ECO application must be submitted by 9/24

Application requirements

  • Candidate will submit evidence of the Plan, Teach, Assess/Analyze, Reflect, Apply (PTARA) cycle, and analyze practice against the CSTP

Eligibility requirements

  • All TIP Requirements
  • Experience
    • Option A: Candidate has a minimum of 2 years of teaching experience, before the induction year, as a classroom teacher of record, with a California credential 


  • Option B: Candidate has a minimum of 3 years teaching experience as a classroom teacher of record, in a school environment that does not require a California Credential
  • Exceptionality
    • Performance Evaluation

Program start date: See Academic Calendar for current dates.

Scholarship & financial aid info: None available


M.Ed. in Instructional Leadership

For those interested in becoming a school leader, a teacher leader, or a central office leader, this flexible program enables candidates to pursue their preliminary administrative services credential (if eligible) in the first year of working toward their M.Ed. In Instructional Leadership, In the second year of the program, eligible candidates can also work toward clearing their preliminary administrative services credential (PASC) in addition to earning their Master’s degree.

  • Locations offered: California
  • Degree earned: M.Ed. in Instructional Leadership
  • Credential earned: CA Preliminary Administrative Services Credential, or Certificate of Eligibility if the candidate does not secure an admin position at the end of the first year (only available for those who meet the eligibility requirements for the PASC Program)
  • Program duration: 2 years
  • Accepts transfer credit: Yes, up to 9 credits
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Application deadlines

  • TBD

Application requirements

  • Employed by a Reach partner school with the ability to:
    1. Access school-level data for analysis
    2. Coach at least one teacher throughout the year
    3. Develop and facilitate a professional learning arc and community of practice (a small group of focused professionals) at your site
  • 2 Recommendation Forms
  • Official transcripts of most recent university experience
  • Resume

Eligibility requirements

  • Hold a BA degree
  • Have 5 years of school-based experience
  • Have a professional role with access to collect data and ability to conduct an action research project
  • At the end of the first year, candidates interested in beginning the process of clearing their PASC in the second year of the Master’s Program must also meet the eligibility requirements for the CASC Program

Program start date: See Academic Calendar for current dates

Program format: You should expect to dedicate approximately 9-12 hours per week to the program, including: 

  • Professional learning seminars: Candidates engage in a weekly virtual seminar, usually on Tuesday evenings, focused on conceptual and practical issues central to organizational change in educational institutions. Seminars are primarily synchronous, with asynchronous work as appropriate. (Approximately 3 hours per week)
  • Online collaboration: Weekly online collaboration that includes reading thought-provoking research and practitioner literature, followed by online discussions. (Approximately 3-4 hours per week) 
  • Job-embedded learning (practicums): Real-time practicum, in which candidates collect and reflect on evidence of practice, including 3 authentic performance assessments of your instructional leadership skills. The practicums range from coaching cycles with teachers/staff, planning professional development arcs, and facilitating communities of practice, to interviewing different stakeholders and analyzing artifacts. On-site mentorship is also provided in partnership with Reach. (Approximately 3-6 hours per week) 
  • Advisory: Practicums are supported by one-on-one advisory sessions, approximately 10 individual sessions, totaling a minimum of 10 hours over the course of the year.

Scholarship & financial aid info: None available


Administrative Credential: PASC

For those interested in becoming a school leader, a teacher leader, or a central office leader, this flexible program enables candidates to pursue their preliminary administrative services credential in one year and then work toward earning their Clear Administrative Services Credential and/or M.Ed. in Instructional Leadership.

  • Locations offered: California
  • Degree earned: None
  • Credential earned: CA Preliminary Administrative Services Credential, or Certificate of Eligibility if the candidate does not secure an admin position at the end of the program
  • Program duration: 1 year
  • Accepts transfer credit: No
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Application deadlines

  • TBD

Application requirements

  • Employed by a Reach partner school with the ability to:
    1. Access school-level data for analysis
    2. Coach at least one teacher throughout the year
    3. Develop and facilitate a professional learning arc and community of practice (a small group of focused professionals) at your site
  • 2 Recommendation Forms
  • Five years of teaching experience
  • Official transcripts of most recent university experience
  • Resume

Eligibility requirements

  • Teachers, coaches, or current charter administrators with a clear California teaching credential (or other valid prerequisite services credential) and at least 5 years of full-time teaching experience or full-time experience in the designated fields (i.e., pupil personnel, school nurse, teacher librarian, or speech-language pathology, clinical or rehabilitative services). 
  • Candidates must have passed the Basic Skills Requirement (as described in Education Code section 44252(b). 
  • Candidates have a field placement role (e.g. teacher leader, coach, TSA) that includes instructional coaching, planning for and facilitating professional learning, analysis of school-level data, and access to learning about school budgeting and family engagement. 
  • Candidates must be in a field placement that supports completion of the CalAPA, and have someone with an active California administrative credential available to serve as your site support mentor for your clinical practice assignment.

Program start date: See Academic Calendar for current dates

Program format: You should expect to dedicate approximately 9-12 hours per week to the program, including: 

  • Professional learning seminars: Candidates engage in a weekly virtual seminar, usually on Tuesday evenings, focused on conceptual and practical issues central to advancing instruction in schools. Seminars are primarily synchronous, with asynchronous work as appropriate. (Approximately 3 hours per week)
  • Online collaboration: Weekly online collaboration that includes reading thought-provoking research and practitioner literature, followed by online discussions. (Approximately 3-4 hours per week)
  • Job-embedded learning (practicums): Real-time practicum, in which candidates collect and reflect on evidence of practice, including three authentic performance assessments of the candidate's leadership in practice. The practicums range from coaching cycles with teachers/staff, planning and providing professional development arcs, and facilitating communities of practice, to creating partnerships with members of the educational community.
  • Professional leadership coaching: Practicums are supported by one-on-one coaching, approximately 10 individual coaching sessions, totaling a minimum of 10 hours over the course of the year.

Scholarship & financial aid info: None available


Administrative Credential: CASC

For those with a Preliminary Administrative Services Credential (PASC), this allows candidates to complete CTC requirements to attain a Clear Administrative Services Credential.

  • Locations offered: California
  • Degree earned: None
  • Credential earned: CA Clear Administrative Services Credential (CASC)
  • Program duration: 2 years
  • Accepts transfer credit: No
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Application deadlines

  • TBD

Application requirements

  • Employed by a Reach partner school with the ability to both coach at least one teacher throughout the year and to facilitate a stakeholder group in decision-making
  • 2 Recommendation Forms
  • Five years of teaching experience
  • Official transcripts of most recent university experience
  • Resume

Eligibility requirements

  • Certificated administrators (per CL777) with a Clear Teaching Credential (or other valid prerequisite services credential) AND an active Preliminary Administrative Services Credential. 
  • Candidates must have the ability to conduct job-embedded inquiry cycles at their site. 
  • Candidates must engage in a minimum of 40 hours of coaching per year. 
  • Candidates must be in a setting where they are able to design and complete their Individualized Learning Plans.

Program start date: See Academic Calendar for current dates

Program format: You should expect to dedicate approximately 9-12 hours per week to the program, including: 

  • Professional learning seminars: Candidates engage in a virtual seminar, usually on Thursday evenings, two or three times each month, which focuses on conceptual and practical issues central to examining and advancing high-functioning organizational systems in schools. Seminars are primarily synchronous, with asynchronous work as appropriate. (3 hours total per seminar)
  • Online collaboration: Weekly online collaboration that includes reading thought-provoking research and practitioner literature, followed by online discussions. (Approximately 2-4 hours per week)
  • Job-embedded learning (practicums): Real-time practicum, in which candidates collect and reflect on evidence of practice, including three authentic performance assessments of the candidate's leadership in practice. The practicums range from coaching cycles with teachers/staff, planning and providing professional development arcs, and facilitating communities of practice, to creating partnerships with members of the educational community. 
  • Coaching: All candidates are required to meet with a Reach coach for a minimum of 40 hours during the academic year to comply with CTC requirements.

Scholarship & financial aid info: None available


Candidate stories

Teaching is more fulfilling for me than when I was a para-professional. I make more money as a teacher than I did as a professional and that's been good.
Carla Haney Reach Graduate from Arkansas
I went in like 'nope I can't do it, not going to do it.' But then when I came out I learned things that I didn't know that I could do and so that's what I enjoyed the most. My professor, she was very very very helpful. Anytime we needed one-on-one time she would share her screen and show us how to do it.
LaCamra Perry Reach Candidate from Arkansas
The biggest difference between Reach and my previous college experience is the fact that the Reach professors actually really care. They are very genuine. They really want us to succeed whereas in prior colleges it was 'I don't care, I get paid either way whether you do the work or not.'
Meagan Phillip Reach Candidate, Alabama
The program was designed around working parents. We don't expect you to miss your children's things. This program makes it possible for you to be able to get that degree and to be able to make thirty thousand dollars more a year.
Nicole Menard Reach Graduate Spring 2024 & Classroom Teacher

Candidates in the news

Explore stories about Apprenticeship Degrees and job-embedded learning.

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