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Dean Eckert Joins Deans for Impact's 2023 Fellowship

Reach University's Dean of Undergraduate Studies, Kimberly Eckert, has been selected as a Deans for Impact 2023 Impact Academy Fellow, joining a high-prestige cohort of post-secondary leaders on the front-line of training the next generation of representative teachers.
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Under a shared commitment of increasing access and affordable pathways into teaching for future teachers of color, strengthening community and K-12 district partnerships, prioritizing evidence-based instructional quality and practical experiences, and building and sustaining 

a culture of equity and inclusion, the 24 fellows - representing 25 states and 15,000 future teachers - will embark on a year-long fellowship to define strategies for instructional improvement grounded in equity alongside a cohort of education prep peers across the country. 

This latest recognition complements Dean Eckert's extensive educational accolades, including: 

  • 2020 Global Teacher Prize finalist

  • 2019 NEA Social Justice Activist of the Year national finalist

  • 2018 Louisiana Teacher of the Year

  • Inaugural Louisiana Public Interest Fellow for her work developing a state-wide Educators Rising Program for targeted recruitment of a diverse and culturally responsive teacher pipeline. 

Learn more about Dean Eckert here and Deans for Impact's 2023 cohort here.

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