Workforce Monitor: Reach University’s ‘Grow-Your-Own’ teacher prep shows promise

"This program was more adaptable and more realistic for people with jobs, with children, with just busy lives,” said Marcantel Thibodeaux, who has a toddler and is also foster parenting a former student. “The instructors were really understanding about that. Some nights I would be cooking supper for my family with the laptop on the bar.”
After weathering two hurricanes, childbirth, and her house burning down during the program, "There were so many times I wanted to just give up,” she said. “I can remember reaching out to my instructors and student services and being like, ‘look, I don’t have it in me. Can y’all just extend some deadlines?’ If they wouldn’t have been so willing to help, I probably would’ve gotten discouraged and given up.”
Read the full story here.