The 74: This rural BA program is fully 'job embedded'
Written by: Reach University
1 min read
Eveon Rivers had an associate degree but lacked her bachelor’s. Then she found out about Reach, and it was her “saving grace,” she told reporter Asher Lehrer-Small of The 74. “It’s affordable, it’s flexible and the professors are good.”
Rivers, who will graduate at the end of 2023, told The 74: “I have all this experience. I feel like I’ll be a seasoned teacher. ... I want to make it fun for the kids."
“It can change the teacher force by truly opening doors that are currently shut for way too many people,” said David Donaldson, managing partner for the National Center for Grow Your Own. Reach, he said, offers an effective, accessible model.
“To see them spread across the country, they’re really doing good work.”Joe Ross sits in as Reach BA candidate Elizabeth Alonzo works in the classroom in Russellville, Alabama. In addition to Arkansas, Reach also trains educators in California, Louisiana and Alabama. (Reach University)