Alabama Education Lab: Tackling EL teacher shortages

The experiment has has placed Russellville on a path to become a model for the rest of the state with unprecedented boosts in learner proficiency scores, writes Griesbach.
“We’ve never seen a number like that before,” said Grimes, who credits new EL teachers in the district, as well as seven new EL aides at West Elementary, for the boost.
At West Elementary, Elizabeth Alonzo is settling into her second year as a EL aide - a role she didn't expect to be in, mostly because there were few bilingual teachers in her school growing up.
Like a couple of other staff members, Alonzo is currently finishing coursework through a teacher training program called Reach University, which is contracting with an increasing number of Alabama districts to help certify more local staff, shares Griesbach.
"Whenever I started kindergarten, I didn’t know a word of English, so I struggled a lot,” Alonzo said, noting that an older cousin would often have to come to her class to translate what her teacher was saying.
"That was one of the reasons why I wanted to do this, because I want to help those students.”
Read the full story here.Image showcasing Elizabeth Alonzo working with her Russellville students. Image courtesy of Reach University.